Generate Directional Lights
directional_light(direction = c(0, 1, 0), color = "white", intensity = 1)
A matrix representing the light information.
if(run_documentation()) {
#Add a light to scene (manually specify the light automatically added to the Cornell Box
lights = point_light(position=c(555/2,450,555/2),
falloff_quad = 0.0, constant = 0.0002, falloff = 0.005)
generate_cornell_mesh(light=FALSE) |>
rasterize_scene(light_info = lights)
#Add a directional light
lights_d = add_light(lights, directional_light(direction=c(1,1.5,-1)))
generate_cornell_mesh(light=FALSE) |>
rasterize_scene(light_info = lights_d)
#Change the intensity and color
lights_d = add_light(lights,
directional_light(direction=c(1,1.5,-1),color="orange", intensity=0.5))
generate_cornell_mesh(light=FALSE) |>
rasterize_scene(light_info = lights_d)
#> Setting default values for Cornell box: lookfrom `c(278,278,-800)` lookat `c(278,278,0)` fov `40` .
#> Setting default values for Cornell box: lookfrom `c(278,278,-800)` lookat `c(278,278,0)` fov `40` .
#> Setting default values for Cornell box: lookfrom `c(278,278,-800)` lookat `c(278,278,0)` fov `40` .